“I have done nothing all summer but wait for myself to be myself again.” ─── Georgia O’Keeffe
I’ve been laying low lately and ended up taking a month long social media hiatus. I needed to take a mental break, breathe through the moments and live presently for awhile to find my footing again. I’ve been in this phase of wanting to refocus my goals and reevaluate what’s been working and what’s not been working. I believe there are periods of time that are meant for rest and reflection and this summer has proved itself to be just that. This quote by Georgia O’Keeffe has been echoing inside my head, “I have done nothing all summer but wait for myself to be myself again.” I honestly couldn’t have said it any better.
My aunt recently sent me a photo of the first house I lived in. This photograph was probably taken between 1986-1987. Looking at it brings back the strangest memories like little snapshots in my mind. I only lived there until I was 3 years old, but I can recall glimpses of my room, the living room and yard. I also have lots of memories of our Siamese cat, Simon (lower left of the photo) and sleeping with him every night and following him around the house and yard. There’s another cat in the photo and I actually have no idea who’s cat that was! Lol probably a neighbor’s? Isn’t it funny how our memories work?
This house represents in my mind a place of sanctuary. A time when my parents were married and we were a family living under the same roof. I love this photograph and how it makes me feel. It’s not based in reality, but it is a picture of hope. A sweet little home in the middle of the jungle in Tantalus on the island of O’ahu. Both a dream and distant memory…